Bill Pay FAQs

There are no charges associated with using Superior National Bank’s Bill Pay service.

For individuals, simply navigate to the Pay & Transfers tab in MySNB. Business customers enroll when applying for SNBPro.

Payments will be sent either by check or electronically, depending on who you are paying. Once you put in the payee’s information, it will tell you the payment method available.

Both businesses and individuals can be paid using this feature.

Allow three days for electronic payments and five days for those sent by check. The Bill Pay application will predict this for you. Simply select the date you will send it on, and it will tell you the date it will be delivered. Adjust as needed.

Bills do not get paid on holidays or weekends. If a previously scheduled payment falls on a holiday or weekend, it will be processed on the first business day after the weekend or holiday.

You can add, delete, or edit a payment up to 4 p.m. ET on the day the payment is scheduled to be sent.

A recurring scheduled payment can be set up in advance to be paid continually with an end date any time in the future. A one-time payment can be set up to be sent up to one year in advance.

Yes. Payments can be set up in the following frequencies:

  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Annually
  • Every two, three or six months
  • Twice a month
  • Every two or four weeks

There is no limit to the number of payees a customer can have.

Payees may be edited. In some instances, you may not be able to edit a payee’s address if the payee has a preferred address on file with Bill Pay. The only thing that can be edited on an existing electronic payee is the alias name on the account and the account number. If you wish to change anything else, the payee must be deleted and re-added. All fields can be edited on a payment made in check form.

After the check is processed, you must contact us to stop a check. If the check has not been cashed in 90 days, a stop will automatically be placed and the funds returned to your account. Our standard stop payment fee may apply.

Once the payment is processed, it will be sent to the payee. It will be up to you to contact the payee for a refund.

Funds are debited from the account when the payment processes.

You will be notified by email that the payment failed. You will then have to resubmit the bill pay when funds are available.

Payment history for both active and deleted payees is available for 18 months.