Personal Finance FAQs

Personal Finance Management is a service that MySNB customers can enroll in that gives you the ability to manage expenses, set a budget, save for personal goals, view investments, and calculate net worth by viewing all of your financial accounts in one place.

Simply log into your MySNB Online Banking and select on the Personal Finance tab. Once you agree to the terms and conditions, Personal Finance Management becomes available on your MySNB Mobile app too!

Select “Add an Account” and find your online bank, credit card, loan, investment, reward, and bill accounts by using a key word or popular account searches. Select and add all desired accounts to Personal Finance.

There are a lot of choices! You can connect other banks, credit cards, investment accounts, loans, rewards programs, and more. To link, you will need the online account access credentials for those accounts.

Not every account will have access. New companies are added regularly, though, so be sure to check periodically to see if your desired account has been added. In the meantime, you can manually add and update an account. You can also use manual account creation to add other things such as private loans or personal arrangements you might have.

No. Personal Finance is for MySNB users only. There are other financial management options within SNBPro, however, such as Quicken or QuickBooks.

In Personal Finance look for the question mark and play icon symbols. They are located to the right of the “Link Account” option. Selecting these symbols will open various help options.